
Ainsworth Bay

With the first light of dawn, you will sail through the Almirantazgo bosom until you reach the vicinity of the Marinelli glacier in Ainsworth Bay. We will learn how life resurfaces after the retreat of the ice. We will take a walk to discover a beaver dam and the marvellous sub-Antarctic Magellanic forest that surrounds it. On the beach or on the island we will try to spot South American elephant seals. It is not possible to guarantee this sighting because the colony is constantly migrating its location.

File D:\Australis\www.australis.com_web_eu4\eu\system\lib\Database.php
Line 1470

SQLSTATE[42000]: Syntax error or access violation: 1140 In aggregated query without GROUP BY, expression #1 of SELECT list contains nonaggregated column 'webaustralis_europa_rc27.pivot.id'; this is incompatible with sql_mode=only_full_group_by

SELECT pivot.id AS excursion_routes_pivot_id, pivot.route_id AS excursion_routes_pivot_route_id, pivot.excursion_id AS excursion_routes_pivot_excursion_id, aus_routes.*, COUNT(aus_routes.id) AS total FROM aus_routes INNER JOIN aus_excursion_routes pivot ON route_id = aus_routes.id WHERE pivot.excursion_id = :i63param0 AND aus_routes.enabled != :i63param1 ORDER BY aus_routes.position desc LIMIT 1